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Mogador (2010)

The first Mogador album was born from a period of jam sessions in which they tried to reach their own sound and understand what they wanted to do. The result is this little concept about the four fondamental elements. Of this cd survives few copies because a reprinting of a remastered version is impossible for technical reasons.

Track List:
- Ab Imis Funtamentis (Intro)
- The Salamander
- The Tide's Undertow
- Tell Me Smiling Child
- Mammon's Greed
- Solitary Bench
- Floating In The Void
- Omnia mutantur, nihil interit (Outro)

Tot 37:27

Recorded at Mentalchemy Dungeon Studio and Richards's mezzanine percussion loft space between August 2008 - February 2009
Produced and mixed by Luca Briccola
Graphic design by Luca Briccola

- Richard Allen (Drum, Percussion & Vocals)
- Luca Briccola (Keyboards, Flutes & Orchestration)
- Stefano Lago (Guitars)
- Paolo Pigni (Bass, Vocals & Acoustic Guitar)